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DJ-Classifieds Conditional Fields Beta 2 release.

| Andrzej Herzberg | News

We have released the second Beta version of DJ-Classifieds conditional fields. It brings an update for the category conditional fields feature and one fix.

The conditional fields work the same was it was introduced at the previous beta release. We've added the support for contact and ask seller fields. Additionally, the label tooltips support was fixed.

If you have any ideas regarding how we should develop the conditional fields further, please let us know!

How to use conditional fields in DJ-Classifieds?

We've described this process in the blog post related to the first beta release. Learn more here: DJ-Classifieds with Conditional Fields - Beta release

The effect on the Ask seller field

phone address djcf

The effect on the Contact field

contact df djcf

Where do conditional fields work?

Now it works in the submission form (when adding an advert), in the Search/Filters module, in the contact field and "ask seller" field.

Who can test the Beta 2 version with conditional fields?

All active subscribers of DJ-Classifieds can download the beta version from the downloads section.

Where you can report the feedback?

You can report the feedback at our community forum.

Is this version ready for production websites?

We do not recommend installing this version on production websites. If you want to make some tests, please do it on clean Joomla install or make a copy of your current website where you can play with it.

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