Check what's interesting about JM Job Listings - Joomla classifieds template.

Don’t waste your time and explore the possibilities of our new template! We called it JM Job Listings, but in fact it’s perfect environment to build a website for many other subjects. We recommend this template for all those who want to create a service with local offers, public tenders, database of job seekers, compare products and so on!
I present the main functionalities of template in a nutshell:
EF4 Framework, which is used by the template provides a wide range of possibilities. Using ThemeCustomizer we can easily change the colors of the main blocks of template and customize it to our needs.
Read more about ThemeCustomizer
You can also change these values in backend of your website too:
Layout Builder
Have you ever been annoyed of inability to configure the template blocks? Never again! Layout builder is an excellent way to customize the template blocks in a few minutes. Most importantly, you don’t need to know the programming to do it! You just need to move the block where you want.
Read more about Layout Builder
It is a classifieds listings extension developed by DJ-Extensions Team. For the purpose of a demosite we created a system of job advertisements. Users can seek job offers and publish their own advertisements, if they are looking for a job.
Read more about DJ-Classifieds extension
You can check all views on our demosite by navigating from the topmenu:
How it works from the administrator point of view?
The main assumption is that you need to create categories where users can post their advertisements. You can add various extra fields for each category and this way you can allow users to add detailed information regarding advertisements from a selected category. In our live demo we have added such fields like: degree (high school, graduate), employment type (full-time, part time), requirements, salary range etc. You can also determine the locations list available to choose when a user is adding an ad as well as you can specify durations for ads (one week, two weeks etc.). Worth to mention is fact that you can allow users to promote their ads in many ways and charge for that.
Since 3.4 version of DJ-Classifieds there is available "Buy now" option for auctions. It means that as a seller, you can specify the number of products available to buy now and the buyer can buy selected amount immediately and doesn’t need to wait until the end of auction. And what if someone decides to answer the ad and take part in the recruitment or want to buy an item from auction? You can always preview it in the "payments" section. You can also see if someone takes part in the auction in the "current bids" section.
As you can see, this system is very complex and gives an incredibly wide range of possibilities. It isn’t intended merely to create the site with job offers. Our template is multipurpose classifieds, so you can easily match the categories and criteria which suits your needs. So really the only limit is your imagination :-)
And how it works from the user point of view?
On single ad view you can see all information which an advertiser published about his ad. You can take part in the auction, buy now an item or add it to your favorites. You can also edit your profile and view sales history.
Advanced search module
If a user wants to search for a job offer, there is advanced search module that allows to search all ads basing on many parameters such as: keyword, category, location, employment type, degree or salary range.
Using the "Advanced Search", "Category" or "Location" link, a user opens a modalbox with parameters. Of course you can customize if you want to display modals as well as which parameters should be included to the search options.
Advanced search option:
Category search option:
Location search option:
Displaying ads on a website
You can select for example a blog layout and smart table.
Blog Layout:
Smart Table Layout:
As you can see the system is very flexible and user-friendly.
About the future
DJ-Extensions will release new plugins (paid) such as:
- subscription plans
- registration option
- shipping option
- attachments option
According to the principle that one picture says more than a thousand words, in our new Job Listings Template we used this unusual component for presenting images on the page. You can choose from various types of album layout just like modern slider, slideshow with thumbnails or kwicks panel.
Read more about DJ-MediaTools extension
Modern Slider:
Slideshow With Thumbnails:
Kwicks Panels:
What is most important, DJ-MediaTools and DJ-Classifieds are cooperating with each other and there is no problem to add advertisements to the gallery!
This is the last extension that we use in the Job Listings template. It’s used to display a variety of content using tab or accordion view. It gives a modern and clear design. This extension works also with DJ-Classifieds, so using it we can divide advertisements displaying modules in each tab.
Read more about DJ-Tabs extension
Tabs Layout:
Accordion Layout:
It’s only a brief overview of the main features of our new multipurpose classifieds template - Job Listings. Visit our demo site and see for yourself how many opportunities it offers!