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Stripe payment method for DJ-Catalog2.

| Andrzej Herzberg | News

We've released a new payment plugin for DJ-Catalog2: Stripe. The Joomla catalog and eCommerce extension work now with 9 payment methods.

Stripe Payment plugin

Stripe is an American financial services and software as a service (SaaS) company headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States. The company primarily offers payment processing software and application programming interfaces (APIs) for e-commerce websites and mobile applications.

The setting is very easy. Install the plugin, enable it, and then create a new payment method at the DJ-Catalog2 control panel.

After successful installation and configuration, the payment plugin will be visible for users willing to pay for DJ-Catalog2 products.

stripe payment method checkout

If you’re an active subscriber for any Joomla template with DJ-Catalog2 the payment plugin is available in the downloads section.

Want to know more?

The content of the blog post comes from the DJ-Extensions website: Stripe Payment plugin for DJ-Catalog2

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