JM Dating - new release based on EF4! Meet people from all over the World.

We are happy to announce that the first premium template based on our latest powerful EF4 framework has been released!
This time we've created the Joomla! 3 template for dating portal - JM Dating.
The engine for posting classifieds details is built with DJ-Classifieds - classifieds ads Joomla extension. The component is very flexible that's why we decided to show customes the another purpose of its usage.
Let's focus on several features that the project offers.
Custom fields
If you take a look at personal data you may be in doubt if listed details are limited ones that the customers may enter. The answer is NO :)
DJ-Classifieds allows to create as many extra fields as you wish. The demo site of this template displays examples only!
The screeshot below shows the custom fields created at the component backend.
- This is the name of label that you see on specific details list.
- You can apply the custom field for user profile, the category or in contact.
- There are several filed type options to select from (radio, checkbox, date/calendar, selectlist, textarea, inputbox)
- Choose if you want to use the field as filter in the search module!
After creating fileds and filling them up with sample data the customer may select values and enter their own data depending on the input type.
Search module
There are several views for the filter/search module, I mean the possibility to display the search module with advanced search filters in the slider area and under it (check Home1 - search under the slider link). After following the advanced search link you will discover searech filters related to custom fields previously created at the admin panel and checked to be visible in the search module.
The same search module can be displaed horizontally or veritically after entering a category. It's very handy and can be very helpful if you like to display ads without columns. Take a look at 3 examples of the classifieds blog view on the demo site.
Create as many classified types as you need. The woman below is marked as freeky, she choosed this type while filling her classified.
The example above is one of many that you can create at the admin panel of classifieds extension.
Theme customizer
Since JM Dating is based on our new EF4 framework do not worry about color fonts or layout customization. Those are just few features that EF4 provides! Most of template parameters can be modified with theme customizer at the front page, then you can save them for the template.
Off canvas sidebar
It's the another helpful feature of EF4 framework. Enable off canvas sidebar to attract the user attention on selected features. Assign modules on offcanvas module position to make them visible in the sidebar.
Thanks to DJ-MediaTools component creating slides and galleries with classifieds source can be donce with ease. We've used several examples of views, check all of them.