EF4 Joomla framework updated! Check what you find in 4.9 version

We are glad to inform about our latest release of EF4 Framework for Joomla templates which comes with some interesting features related to page optimizations. Let's take a closer look at them.
Instant page
Amazon found that removing 100 milliseconds of page latency improves sales by 1%. That's why page load speed is so important and even if you don't sell things online your clients or users will be happy. But it is very hard to achieve low latency these days, pages are constantly growing. How to deal with it? We can use a little trick to cheat latency. Instant page option enables 'just-in-time' preloading — it preloads a page right before a user clicks on the link on your site. Simple, clever and safe solution.
The screenshot is taken from instant.page.
How to start? Just enable this option in the EF4 framework of the template settings. That's it!
Please check our documentation related to instant page.
Native lazy loading
It's a second option that could greatly improve your page speed. We have added support for native browser lazy loading. Now lazy loading option should be more efficient on modern browsers like Google Chrome. How it is working? Images are not loaded when you open a page, the browser decides if and when need to load an image, so the images are loaded only if they are visible on the screen. No need for complicated JavaScript techniques which may slow down the page!
Please check our documentation related to lazy loading.
Other bug fixes and improvements
Except for the above features, we fixed also other common issues.
See the full list of changes in the changelog
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