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DJ-Classifieds component 3.7.6 new version brings great features!

| Andrzej Herzberg | News

DJ-Classifieds the Joomla classifieds extension and our Joomla! classifieds templates were just updated to the new version - 3.7.6. Below I will point the most exciting parts of the update so you can know more about the new features it provides.


What's new in DJ-Classifieds 3.7.6? Let's take a look:

OpenStreetMap Support (hits)

Now you can enable free Google Maps alternative - OpenStreetMaps in DJ-Classifieds component and Maps module. There’s new plugin responsible for that feature: “DJ-Classifieds - Leaflet Maps.”

OpenStreetMap displays geolocation using the address provided in the adverts. The map can be displayed in the advert detail view and in the user’s profile details view.

Use the OpenStreetMap support and forget about Google restrictions and Credit Card information requirements. Read the tutorial and learn how to configure DJ-Classifieds to display the Leaflet OpenStreetMap.

Edit password, email address, and name in DJ-Classifieds user profile

Users can now edit the profile form and change core Joomla User details including name, password and email address inside DJ-Classifieds profile view.

Number of advert display (hits)

Website's visitors can now check the number of visits (hits) of each advert. This number is visible in the advert details section on the front page but also in the backend for the website's admin.

 DJ Classifieds displays number

Support Widget

Use the support widget to find the answers for common questions related to DJ-Classifieds or other extensions. You can also contact us directly from the widget. After 3.7.6 version installation, the small clickable icon will appear in the bottom right corner.

support widget

 You can disable it anytime if you don’t want to use it. API update

Recently updated its API, so we had to update this plugin to work seamlessly with the latest version. See how to use the Payment Plugin.

There are many other features in the latest release of DJ-Classifieds.

If you’re an active subscriber for any Joomla template with DJ-Classifieds the latest version is available in the downloads section. You can update DJ-Classifieds directly from the component if you have entered the license keys.

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